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 Grim Tales 2

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Mesaje : 149
Data de înscriere : 16/06/2008

Grim Tales 2 Empty
MesajSubiect: Grim Tales 2   Grim Tales 2 Icon_minitimeLun Iun 16, 2008 6:26 pm

Climb up the ladder out of the Basement, and head to the small room to the south of the house that leads into the garden as well as having a Mouse hole in it. Once in this room, drink one of the Potions and you will view a cut-scene in which you shrink and walk into the hole.

Once through the hole, you will be in a strange world where everything looks large. If you decide to kill one of the level 95 Mice, the drops that appear will appear to be massive!

Although they may be there, there isn't a need to kill any of the Mice that are around, but instead you will have to navigate through a maze consisting of climbing up nails.

All the Nails you need to navigate to find the Pendant go up bar one, and all the passages are fairly short, although each one has its own level 95 Mice as inhabitants. The directions to find the Pendant are:

Up Northern Nails
At the end of the maze you will find the Pendant.

Take the Pendant, then make your way out of the maze. The easiest way is to Teleport out, although if you don't have a teleport, just follow the maze back in the opposite direction.

Take the Pendant to Miazrqua, and there will be a cut-scene showing Rupert coming out of the tower, shouting 'FREEDOM' in the process.

He is grateful for you freeing him, and will give you some armor as a token of thanks. You will ask for the Helmet, which he will give to you, and you should take to Sylas.

Now that he has got the 2 items he wanted, he will talk about what he now wants you to do. Legend has it that once upon a time there was a Goblin called Gubblebak that was in the Smithing industry, and one day he fell into a pot of molten Gold. The natural instinct for him was a jump into cold water, however all this did was harden the Gold so that he got trapped. This Golden Goblin is what is wanted from you now, and Magic Beans will help you find it.

The Beans will need to be Planted in a patch south-east of Sylas, and south-west of the Taverly Wood Tree Farming Patch, and watered. The grown plant will then be climbed, the Giant at the top slayed, and the loot brought back down.

Once the Beans have been planted in the Earth Mound, water them with a Watering Can, and a fast growth will happen in the form of a cut-scene.

Now that the Beanstalk has grown, you will need to get ready for battle before climbing it.

The monster at the top is a level 138 Giant called Glod who uses a Melee attack.

During the battle if you are using Prayers such as Protect from Melee, they will randomly be turned off a certain points, and a number of Prayer Points, about 20, will be taken away from your Prayer. Due to this, taking Prayer Potions along with a few pieces of good Food with you is a helpful thing. When your Prayer is off, you will be at danger from hits hitting into the high teens, so high healing Food will mean that less time is wasted eating. The Prayer Potions are suggested since Prayer Points will be removed, and it is a lot easier to try and keep Prayer on as much as possible than eating after every hit.

If you don't want this problem to occur, you can hide behind the rocks that are scattered around the battleground and Mage or Range from behind them. When you get called towards Glod, quickly turn on Protect from Melee to stop damage being hit, then run back to your safe spot to carry on killing.

He also has other effects that will take place during the battle. He will heal himself, so the battle will last even longer, and relying purely on Food is even less sensible. He also will make chants that will bring you towards him in anger to fight, and also make you run away. When you are running away, it is wasting time, so having Auto-Retaliate on is helpful.

If you do want to escape, but don't have the ease of a Teleport, climbing down the Beanstalk is an option, although you may get stuck on the rocks scattered around, or on Glod himself, so leaving a couple of pieces of food before an escape run is sensible.

Before heading into battle, drinking a Super Set will help speed up the Battle, and get you hit less if you don't have Prayer above your head.

Once you have all the Armour, Weapons, Food and Potions you want, climb the Beanstalk and be prepared to fight hard.

As long as you have the right equipment, the battle shouldn't be too hard, and you will come out victorious with Glod dead.

Once he is dead he will drop an Uncut Ruby, Uncut Sapphire, 2 Big Bones, a Watering Can (4) and the Golden Goblin.

Pick up the Golden Goblin, and if you wish to do so, pick up the rest of the items that he dropped. Climb down the Beanstalk and take the Golden Goblin to Sylas who will tell you that the Beanstalk needs to be cut down incase any of Glod's friends try to come down it.

With the second Shrink-me-quick Potion and a Woodcutting Axe, head back to the Beanstalk and use the Potion with it.

It will become thinner, and you will be able to cut it down with a Woodcutting Axe, showing another cut-scene.

Now that the Beanstalk has been chopped down, head back to Sylas and talk to him. He will explain about the helmet, and the secrets of how it made Rupert's hair so strong. He will also say that you can keep the Helmet.

Quest Complete!


Dwarven Helmet
4000 Farming experience, 5000 Herblore and Hitpoints experience, 14,000 Woodcutting experience, 6,000 Agility and Thieving experience.
1 Quest Point
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