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 Mourning's Ends Part 2 -1

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Mesaje : 149
Data de înscriere : 16/06/2008

Mourning's Ends Part 2 -1 Empty
MesajSubiect: Mourning's Ends Part 2 -1   Mourning's Ends Part 2 -1 Icon_minitimeLun Iun 16, 2008 7:08 pm

Start: Begin by speaking to Arianwyn in Lletya.
Skills: None!
Quests: Mourning's End Part 1.
What You Need: Full Mourners Set, Rope, Chisel, 50 items for Thorgel the Dwarf.
Recommended Items: Lletya Teleport Crystal, Ardougne Teleport Runes, 10-12 Prayer or Super Stat Restore Potions, Agility Potions, Food, a Holy Wrench (from Rum Deal) for boosting Prayer time.
Recommended Skills: A high Agility level will be an advantage.

Scroll down to the end of the guide to find a 'Fast Quest Walkthrough'.


Getting Started

Speak to Arianwyn in Lletya and tell her what the Mourners are trying to do. She will tell you that you must stop them reaching the Temple of Light. Head to the Mourner HQ and speak to the Head Mourner. You must be wearing only your Mourners Outfit from Mourning's End Part 1. If you don't have it then you can get another set by killing another level 11 Mourner on the Elven Overpass.

If you take any of the Mourner Equipment off or wield anything else in the area of the Dungeon that you can access without a Key, you will be attacked by a level 108 Mourner. The Head Mourner will tell you that a digging team has gone missing and will give you a New Key to unlock the locked door. Go through the door and head towards the West end of the Dungeon.

You will be attacked by level 182 Dark Beasts so Protect from Melee is recommended. When you get towards the end of the Dungeon you will see a cut-scene. The are Mourners lying around dead on the floor. There are two level 73 Shadows that may attack you here so head back to a safer spot or teleport out as quickly as you can.

Head back to Arianwyn and tell her what you saw. She will tell you that you must restore a protection mechanism to stop the Mourners reaching the Temple. She also wants you to get her a sample of the protection crystal because she says it will be darkened.

Withdraw a Chisel from your Bank and head back to the dead Mourners and search the first one you get to leaning against the North wall of the tunnel.

You will get his Journal and a Colorwheel . If you wish you can read the journal and find out some information about him and what is in the Temple. Enter the Temple.

Tips for Navigating the Temple:

There are several things that you can do to make your stay in the Temple shorter and less painful.

Put on Protect from Melee to stop the Shadows hitting any damage on you. They have fairly low Defense but very high Attack and Strength levels.
There are two places in the Temple that you are safe from Shadows. These are down the stairs accessible from the center of the Top Floor and over the Low Wall in the Southern half of the Middle Floor.
To get to the North half of the Top Floor go down and up the stairs situated in the center of the floor.
To get to Top Floor climb up the Stairs near the South of the Middle Floor. Not the Ladder.
To get to the very North part of the Top Floor you must climb the ladder at the North of the Middle floor.
You can fall when trying to climb up or down any of the Ladders and get hit 5 or 6 damage.
There are Traps hidden in the walls that will appear when you walk directly past them. If you don't manage to jump over them you will get hit 5 damage.
When trying to cross the gap in the South-East corner of the Middle Floor you will fall quite a bit. It isn't just you having bad luck, it happens to everybody. Just take a sip of Agility Potion and try again.
Have Auto-retaliate on at all times so you can easily kill any Shadows that attack you.
Don't let your Prayer Points drop below 10.
Getting a Crystal Sample

Head into the Temple and climb up the stairs directly in front of you. Go South and climb the stairs to the West of the path. Just North of these stairs is a trap so step across to the other side and walk past. Go down the stairs to the North and up the ones directly ahead. Go East and then South into a large room. The Crystal will be in here.

Use your Chisel with this Crystal to obtain a sample and take it back to Arianwyn. Talk to her and she will summon Eluned to enchant it. Use the Crystal on her and then talk to her. She will give you a Newly Made Crystal.

Return to the Temple bringing stuff for a reasonable length stay in the Temple. If you want to have to Bank no more than once while sorting out the doors then it is recommended you bring equipment that looks something like this. If you want you can bring strong armour (Rune or better) and high level food instead of the Initiate and Prayer, but you will have to make more Bank trips. It is only recommended to do this if you have a high Defense level.

Ardougne Teleport Runes - Quick Exit
Key - Unlock door
Rope - to climb down a hole later on in the quest.
Initiate or Proselyte Armour - Good Prayer Bonus
Glory Amulet - Teleportation if you forget Teleport Runes and gives Prayer Bonus
Dragon Mace - Reasonable Weapon with a good Prayer Bonus
God Book - Prayer Bonus
Lobsters or better food - Incase your Prayer runs out or you keep failing obstacles
Prayer or Super Stat Restore Potions (4) - Restores Prayer Points
Agility Potions - Help you get across the hand-holds on the Middle Floor easier
Full Mourners Equipped - You can't get into the Dungeon without this
Door 1

What you need: 4 Mirrors, Yellow Crystal

Head up the stairs near the entrance to get to the Middle Floor. On the East wall is a lever that you must pull and then click on again to collect the things inside. It looks like a door on the mini-map. To pull the lever you should right-click otherwise it will be extremely hard to actually select it.

There is a pillar beside the lever that you must use a Mirror with. The beam of light will be pointing South so you should click on the Pillar and chose to rotate the Mirror. Something will come up in the top-right corner of the screen that will let you rotate it.

The top of the Mirror is longer than the bottom of it. Click the button that says "Rotate mirror" until the beam of light is heading North. Head to the next Pillar to the North and insert another Mirror, this time making the beam of light head West. At the next Pillar insert a Mirror and make the light go South. Head South and instead of inserting a Mirror into the Pillar you should put the Yellow Crystal in. This will make the beam of light turn Yellow.

You will now have one Mirror left. Head South and there will be a ladder. North of the ladder is a Pillar that you must insert your final Mirror into. Rotate the Mirror so the light goes East and then try to cross the Hand holds.

If you fail then you will fall down to the Ground Floor and get hit 5 damage. Where you fall is also full of Shadows. Just go back to the Middle Floor and try again, taking a sip of Agility Potion if you wish. When you get across the hand-holds you should go through the door and open the Chest.

Door 2

What you need: 4 Mirrors, Yellow Crystal, Cyan Crystal

Head back to the lever and Pull it to reset the Maze. Collect all the Mirrors and Crystals from the tray and place a Mirror in the Pillar just to the West of you. Make the light head North, West and then insert the Cyan Crystal in the next pillar you get to. At the corner make the light head North and then East again. You will notice that there is another Pillar between where you have put in your final Mirror and the Door. Place the Yellow Crystal into this Pillar. Head through the Door and search the Chest.

Door 3

What you need: 7 Mirrors, Cyan Crystal

Head back to the lever and Pull it to reset the Maze. Collect all the Mirrors and Crystals from the tray and place a Mirror in the Pillar just to the West of you. Make the light head North, West and then insert the Cyan Crystal in the next pillar you get to. At the corner make the light head North and then East again. At the next Pillar the light needs to head up. You can see that the light is going up because a beam of light comes out of the top of the Pillar.

Insert a Mirror into this Pillar then rotate it until it's you can see the light coming out the top of the Pillar. Head up the ladder that you are standing beside and insert a Mirror into the Pillar to the South of you. Make the light get deflected to the West. You will see that the light changes color as it goes through the wall.

Head back down the ladder and go South to the Ladder beside the hand-holds. Climb up it and head to the stairs in the center of this floor. Go down them and up the ones directly in front of you. Head West and through a part of the Temple that is only 1 square wide. There are several traps that you will come across trying to go through this narrow passage. Once you are through head North to the Pillar. This is where is gets complicated. You need to insert a Mirror and make the light head down. To do this make the top be facing East and the bottom facing West. There will be no visible light coming out.

Head back down to the Ground Floor and go to the North-West corner. Go through the door and rotate the Mirror already fused into the Pillar so that it is hitting the other door (to the South). Head through this door and follow the passage to the East. At the end of this passage will be a Chest that you must search. Head back through the door and rotate the Mirror so that the light is heading East and you can exit.

Door 4

What you need: 8 Mirrors, Yellow Crystal, Rope

Don't pull the lever, but head back to where you put the Cyan Crystal in for Door 3, remove it and replace it with a Yellow Crystal. Head back to where you made the light head down and change it so that the beam is heading South. From here head South to the second Pillar you come to and insert a Mirror. Rotate it so the top is facing North and the bottom facing South.

Go down the stairs to the Middle Floor. In the bottom-left quarter of this floor is a room that you are safe from Shadows in. Climb over the Low Wall to enter then use a Rope with the Rocks on the West side of the hole. This Rope will stay here for future use.

Climb down the Rope and head West. Go through the Door and search the Chest.
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Mourning's Ends Part 2 -1
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