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 Lunar Diplomacy 1

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Mesaje : 149
Data de înscriere : 16/06/2008

Lunar Diplomacy 1 Empty
MesajSubiect: Lunar Diplomacy 1   Lunar Diplomacy 1 Icon_minitimeLun Iun 16, 2008 6:56 pm

Start: Begin by speaking to Lokar Searunner on the docks of Rellekka.
Skills: 61 Crafting, 40 Defense, 49 Firemaking, 5 Herblore, 65 Magic, 60 Mining, and 55 Woodcutting.
Quests: The Fremennik Trials, Lost City, Rune Mysteries, and Shilo Village.
What You Need: Tinderbox, 1 guam leaf, 1 marrentill leaf, Suqah ground tooth, pestle and mortar, air, fire, water, earth talismans/tiaras, Dramen Staff, Hammer, Spade, Woodcutting Axe, Pickaxe, Needle, Thread.


Getting Started

Speak to Lokar Searunner on the docks of Rellekka. He is standing near Jarvald, the man who takes you to Waterbirth Island. If you're having trouble finding him, consult the following map.

If you decide to take the yellow path, first teleport to Camelot. Then follow the yellow, path to the docks in Rellekka. If you decide to take the cyan path, your house must be located in Rellekka. Teleport to your house and then follow the cyan path to the docks. If you decide to take the red path, you must have at least started the A Fairy Tale Part 2: Cure a Queen quest. Use the fairy rings to teleport to the start of the red path by using the AJR combination. Then proceed to the docks following the red path.

Attempt to start a conversation with Lokar and he will assume that you're an outerlander. He brusquely tells you to stop wasting his time. After some momentary indignation at being called an outerlander, the two of you will strike up a pleasant conversation about why Lokar, Scourge of the Northern Seas, has been away from these parts for so long. Apparently, the Fremennik life had grown a bit too slow and tedious for Lokar.

Very soon after, you start to realize that Lokar really, really seems to dislike and loathe the Fremenniks. He offers you the chance to visit the Moon Clan, a group of very powerful mages. However, their centuries-long feud with the Fremenniks. and their powerful magics do not bode well for your chances of visiting them - as soon as they see you, they'll be able to read your mind, realize that you're a Fremennik at heart, turn you inside out, and leave you for the birds. Lokar has an idea as to how to grant you immunity from an up close and personal viewing of what your intestines look like.

According to Lokar, anybody who bears a Seal of Passage is probably not someone that's worth causing bodily harm to because they are either a diplomatic envoy or connected to some very powerful people. For your own sake, and your stomach's chances of staying in one piece, he'd better be right. If you have faith in his assertions, tell him so.

The Seal of Passage

Take a short walk over to the Fremennik Hall and speak with Brundt the Chieftain. Tell him you plan to try to put a stop to the hostilities between the Fremenniks. and the Moon Clan.

Brundt will explain that the reason why the Fremenniks hold a strong hatred for the Moon Clan is because of their usage of magic, and more so, their unwillingness to share their knowledge of it. He grants you a Seal of Passage that is wearable in the amulet slot.

Return to where the impatient Lokar cannot wait to leave Rellekka. He'll be delighted once you inform him that you have your seal of passage and give you a stern warning about using cliched pirate speak. Once you are ready, he'll take you to Pirate Cove.

Pirates Cove

Climb up two sets of ladders and cross a gangplank and you'll run into Captain Bentley, who is pacing around on the deck of his warship, the Lady Zay, formerly owned by some poor bloke who had moored it at the Karamjan shipyards. The ship was originally designed along with others for a wee little gnome who had his mind set on world domination and the destruction of the human race *coughgloughcough*. What a shame.

After greeting the Cap'n, you'll learn that Bentley has a much different opinion of Lokar as compared to Lokar's own self-image...

.... and that the parrot seems to think even less of Lokar while being able to express it more bluntly.

However, fortunately for you, the Captain still acquiesces to your wishes to travel to Lunar Isle since he and his crew were headed back there anyways. They are prepared to set sail as soon as all their loot has been loaded on the ship. In the meanwhile, Captain Bentley offers to answer any questions that you may have like a true pirate. He explains that the Moon Clan are very hospitable people, but they just aren't too welcoming of strangers. This made Captain Bentley and his crew wary of touching down on the isle, but when they sent a landing party, they were welcomed.

He proceeds to tell you about how his crew and the Moon Clan made a few trades before they set off for the vast ocean again, as well as some... insight... into how pirates like to think of themselves.

Captain Bentley even goes so far as to admit that his original intentions were to rob the Moon Clan!

However, he is quick to explain why he and his crew abandoned that idea. First off, the Moon Clan village is surrounded by monsters that could compromise their escape attempt. The second and more important reason is the Moon Clan's amazing powers of magic, including the ability to read minds as described to you by Lokar. Had Bentley and his crew entered the village with any thoughts of looting and piratin' in their minds, the Moon Clan would immediately sense it and slaughter the pirates.

Setting Sail

When you're ready to leave Pirates' Cove for Lunar Isle, tell the Captain so. He will give the order to push off, but there will be a slight problem.

You wind up sailing in circles around Pirates' Cove! When asked, the Captain has no idea as to why this is happening and dubs the problem as very strange. Talk to him again...

... and he will suggest that you speak to Jack, who is an "old sea-dog with a brown pirate's hat", according to the Captain. Jack can be found at the rear of the ship, one floor below deck.

After affirming that Jack is indeed the navigator, the two of you have a jawing match over the fact that the ship is doing laps around the cove chasing it's stern. Since you're not getting very far with the navigator, go back to the top of the deck to speak with the Captain again. Suggest to the Captain that it may be Jack's fault and then offer to speak to the navigator once more, this time in the name of the Captain. Allow yourself the chance to bellow at the parrot for repeatedly calling you a stowaway and then return to where the navigator is located below decks. Of course, as expected, the conversation doesn't go very well. After Jack accuses you of being a stowaway once more, you take to making false claims of friendship with the Captain.

Waaaaay back, eh? Wonder what you would consider a 10 year relationship to be.

You're so engulfed in raving about your "long standing friendship" with the captain that you make a fatal error that Jack picks up on.

You try to explain that it's a nickname that only very close friends of Bentley are allowed to use, but Jack retorts that he's known the Captain for 20 years and has never heard him ask to be referred to as anything else besides Captain Bentley BURN. You respond by unashamedly bluffing...

After bandying some more insults at each other, Jack finally arrives at a conclusion that would explain why the ship is orbiting the cove.

Given your very convenient appearance aboard the Lady Zay, Jack suspects that you are the source of this jinx. He mentions that this is not the first time a jinx has occurred. When you inquire as to what happened the first time, he speaks of what pirates do to those who are carrying a jinx aboard their ship.

The Hunt for Red Oc... the Jinx

Jack suggests that you ask around to see who or what might be the cause of this jinx, if only for the sake of your own self preservation. The Captain suggests you do the same, the First Mate accuses you of being the jinx and threatens that you'd better find the cause because killing someone really ruins his day, and the rest of the crew seems to be completely ignorant about any kind of a jinx that might be on the ship. The cook fervently believes that a jinx is some sort of evil foreign vegetable.

Eventually, you'll start to make some headway if you talk to Eagle-Eye Shultz, who can be found one deck at the bow of the ship with a looking glass.

Report this to the Captain and, once again, he suggests that you interrogate the crew to try to find out who offended the Moon Clan and brought this jinx upon the Lady Zay.

It seems as if the cook, Beefy Burns, knows a little more than he originally let out.

According to Beefy, there was a large feast on Lunar Isle that everybody attended besides him, due to his paranoia regarding food that wasn't cooked by him. When you ask him for some details about the feast in the hopes of a crew member in a lie, he scoffs and asks how he would be able to describe a feast that he never attended in a rhetorical manner. Seems as if you'll have to get your answers elsewhere.

Without anywhere to look, always turn to the lookout! His special attention to detail comes in extremely handy at a time like this.

According to Shultz, everybody headed on to the island to take advantage of shore leave and to take part in a huge feast with the Moon Clan. The pirates had a table to themselves where they were served food and wine all evening long. Besides Beefy, who stayed aboard the Lady Zay, and the Captain, who was dining with the big Moon Clan honchos, everybody else was at that table. After the meal was finished, Tommy Two-Time, who is located one level below the deck, busted out his old fiddle and they danced gaily and merrily around until the sun came up the next morning, at which they all made their way back to the ship and lifted anchor.

A few of the crew members claim that the Captain wasn't at the feast, but that's probably because they were too stoned to remember that the captain wasn't sitting with them. Your first real lead comes from Lecherous Lee, who is standing on the lookout platform closest to the stern of the ship (south end).

Climb down the ladder to the deck of the ship and confront the first mate Davey-boy based on one witness' allegations.

Davey-boy continues to insist that he has absolutely no idea in Gielenor as to what you're rambling about... until he remembers that he went to go check on the rigging sometime during the festival. When you grill him about why he didn't tell you this earlier, he remarks that he simply didn't remember since it's not normal routine for him to be checking the rigging.

Aha! The cabin boy! According to the first mate, the cabin boy wasn't anywhere to be found all night long. Go back to where you first spoke with Lee to find the cabin boy. At first, the boy is quite reluctant to fess up, but he's much more willing cooperate after you threaten him.

The cabin boy's confession proves that girls can be quite evil. One such girl tricked the cabin boy into believing that if he drew five symbols throughout the ship, he would gain control of the entire ship!

Feeling deep remorse about what he has done, the cabin boy pleads that you spare his life and skip the part where you're supposed to inform the Captain about everything that you have learned. He also imparts to you the following information.

One was up on a wall.
One was on a container.
One was on a box of some sort.
One was on a support.
The last one was on something that is big and metallic.
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