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 Lunar diplomacy 3

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Mesaje : 149
Data de înscriere : 16/06/2008

Lunar diplomacy 3 Empty
MesajSubiect: Lunar diplomacy 3   Lunar diplomacy 3 Icon_minitimeLun Iun 16, 2008 6:58 pm

IQ (Icky Quizzy) Testing Time

Visit the Oneiromancer once again. You will hand her each piece of the lunar outfit one by one. When she realizes that you have all the pieces, she'll return them all to you along with your potion of waking sleep. The Oneiromancer will also present you with magic kindling taken from the first magic tree in existence. Equip all eight pieces of the ceremonial get up as well as your Lunar staff. You might want to have a woodcutting axe, some food to fight a level 79 if you need it, and an agility potion; however, those are just recommendations and are not absolutely required. Go to the Ceremonial Brazier, which can be found if you travel west down the street between the bank and the suqah hide tanner until you run into a large building.

Use the waking sleep potion on the kindling, use your tinderbox on the brazier, and then use the freshly soaked kindling on the brazier to be transported into the land of your dreams. You'll enter your own mind flat on your stomach and then stagger up to a standing position.

If you ever want to return to reality, read your autobiography titled "My life" that's floating on the pedestal in the center of your dreams. It will ask you if you're sure.

It asks for your confirmation because, if you leave, you'll need to re-visit the Oneiromancer for another waking sleep potion and magic kindling... and that's a trip that you probably wouldn't be all too pleased to make now that you're so close to completing the quest. Logging out in your dreams has the same effect as reading about your life.

Then the screen whites out and you find yourself next to the brazier again.

To avoid multiple trips to the Oneiromancer should you have to log out frequently, use the potion on the kindling promptly after receiving both from the Oneiromancer, drop the soaked kindling, and repeat for as many times as you think you'll need to log out.

There are six tests that you must pass before you can move on to the final encounter. They are, in clockwise order starting from the east, The Race is On, Communicating in Numbers, Anything You Can Do, A Game of Chance, Where am I?, and Chop, Chop, Chop Away. Below you may find a quick reference that shows you which platform will take you to which test when you step upon it.

The tests will be described in detail in the order that they were first listed.

The Race is On, Bring Out the Olympian in You

To get there, step on the eastern most platform, as shown in the quick reference map. You will be propelled like a projectile onto another area of your dreams.

Talk to the Ethereal Expert and you will be abruptly challenged to a foot race. Sounds simple enough, after all, how hard could running be?

Hmm, no sweat... until you look at the stark difference between the left and the right routes. They are stacked so heavily in the house's favor that even a card shark in Vegas would be proud.

You attempt to protest this unfairness, but the Expert simply states that life just isn't fair. Life's imperfect, and you have to play with the hand that you're dealt, to use another card game cliche. Accept the inevitable and set up at the starting line.

If you brought an agility potion, you could either choose to drink a dose before taking your marks or after the Expert says go - it's up to you. You can't drink it during the time after you take your marks and before the race actually starts. Set your move speed to run and take off as soon as the race starts. It turns out to be a deja vu experience if you have heard of the Hare and the Tortoise fable by Aesop. The Expert, thinking that he's got a guaranteed win based on the fact that you have the much longer path and hurdles to hurdle, casually ambles down his straight course at a relaxed pace. When you get to a hurdle, attempt to jump over it. The higher your agility level, the more like you will succeed. If you fail to leap over the hurdle, you will be zapped by an electric current, end up behind the hurdle, and take eight damage.

If you do succeed, it will look like you summoned some exotic mental powers to cause yourself to hover over the hurdle.

Run to the end after passing all the hurdles and you will exuberantly announce your victory while the Expert laments and wonders how the heck he managed to lose. You will be automatically transported back to the main island of your dreams. Speak to the Ethereal Man and regale him with what you have learned. If you try to pass another test without first speaking to the Ethereal man...

... that's what you'll see.

... persevere, try hard and you'll go far in life. Time to speak some code.

Communicating in Numbers, CIA Operative Guide 101

Move in a clockwise direction and step on the fuschia-colored platform. You will find yourself on an island with floating numbers from zero to nine.

Speak to the Ethereal Numerator and then make a puzzled face while saying, "Come again?"

Try your best to ignore the random numbers that appear in the middle of his sentences. If you're having trouble comprehending him, all it says is that you're required to solve five number patterns. Hope you got enough practice in kindergarten and first grade.

The Numerator will give you a string of numbers. Your job is to figure out the pattern, and then apply the pattern by pressing the next two numbers in the pattern.

The pattern in the above example is plus zero, plus one, plus zero, plus one, and so on and so forth. Press the next two numbers in the pattern to solve it. In this case, the answer is three and four. If you are incorrect in either number, you will be informed of that fact and given another pattern. Since you don't have to be successful five times in a row, if you get one that you can't figure out, you can randomly guess. If you're wrong, you'll get a new pattern. If you're right, so much the better. It seems that the patterns get easier if you fail more often.

Once you have proven your mastery in patterns, the Numerator will say so in his cryptic-yet-not-so-cryptic tongue.

Report back to the Ethereal Man, explain what you have learned from the Numerator, and the Man will assent to your views.

If you are moving in a clockwise direction, it's time to get groovy.

Anything You Can Do (I can do better...)

Move to the turquoise platform and allow it to transport you to an island that resembles a sixteenth note. Speak to the Ethereal Mimic and you'll receive some enthusiastic instructions from an enthusiastic mime.

Talk to the Mimic and he will perform an emote, which you must copy. The Mimic will only use generic emotes that everybody has straight from Tutorial Island. If you copy him correctly, he will disappear and appear on another part of the musical island. If you mess up...

If you don't remember what emote the Mimic used, talk to him again and he'll repeat it.

Continue to mime the Mimic until he commends you on the ability to interpret body language.

As with the last two tests, once you've passed them, tell the Ethereal Man what you have learned so far.

A Game of Chance, Not Really

Continue on to the lime green platform and you'll find yourself on an island with six dice. Speak to the Ethereal Fluke and he will explain the next mental test.

According to the Fluke, it's a game of chance, but he mentions that you might be able to discern a pattern. In other words, the test really has nothing to do with chance, only your knowledge of how to add single digit numbers. Oh great, more arithmetic.

The Ethereal Fluke will call out a number. You will need to roll the six die on the island until the sum of all six numbers matches the Fluke's number. Each dice will alternate between two numbers every time you roll it. Below is a map of the island that shows each dice along with what two numbers can be displayed on that dice.

When all six die add up to the Fluke's number, the Fluke will congratulate you and give you another number.

There are five numbers in all. In case you forget what the number is, it is clearly displayed in your chatbox.

When you have completed all five numbers, the Ethereal Fluke will commend you on a job well done and impart a piece of wisdom to you before bidding farewell.

Visit the Ethereal Man like you always do after completing a test and relate your experiences.

Where am I?, I Miss Mommy!

Get on the gray platform and you'll find yourself on small strip of floating material. There is a similar strip connected to the one you are on by a 4 by 8 grid of dream puffs.

Talk to the Ethereal Guide and you will be given your fifth test.

Sounds easy enough, right? Hopefully, you will have learned that there's always a catch. This test is no exception. All the dream puffs look exactly alike, but most of them will fall out from under you if you try to rest on them. If this happens, you will be transported back to the starting strip of floating material.

To get to the other side, you will have to navigate the dream puffs by taking a specific route that is unique to you. You can move from dream puff to dream puff in any one of the four cardinal directions. However, you will never have to go backwards towards your starting position. For those of you who have completed the Underground Pass quest, this will bring back fond or not-so-fond memories of The Puzzle section. Refer to the Underground Pass quest guide for further reference.

Unless you have photographic memory, it would be a good idea to use a piece of paper and a pencil to mark the correct route so far so that you won't forget when you land on a bogus dream puff. Once you get to the other side, you will be transported back to the main island. As before, your mind is now larger from your newly gained insight.

Chop, Chop, Chop Away, And Then There Were Six

For the final test out of the six, step on the purple platform. You will wind up on an island with two sets of four strange trees. In the middle of the island, two log piles can be found. Speak to yet another member of the Ethereal family, the Ethereal Perceptive and he will explain the test.

This is what you need a woodcutting axe for. If you don't have one, the Perceptive will provide you with a bronze axe. Simple test really, all you need to do is chop faster that the Perceptive. Since he deposits his logs two at a time, you can easily beat him by chopping down all four trees before depositing the logs at the log pile.

A helpful text indicator in your chatbox can assist you in keeping track of how many logs have been deposited by each side so far.

You'll have passed the sixth test if and when you have deposited 20 logs at the log pile before the Ethereal Perceptive. As with the first five tests, there's always a lesson to be learned.

Congratu... no, you wish. Still a little bit left to go. Suck it up and keep on going.

The Final Showdown

Speak to the Ethereal Man for the second to last time and he will give you instructions on what needs to be done to complete your mission in Dreamland.

The Man will then ask if you are ready for the final test. If you are, tell him so and you will be transported onto an island that looks similar to the main one minus the platforms. On this island, you will have to defeat yourself. Yes, you read that correctly, you have to defeat yourself. A level 79 named Me will be dressed in lunar garb like you. Simply whack yoursel... him with your lunar staff until yo... he dies.

Every now and then, you and "Me" will be teleported by a strange force to a random location on the island. Find "Me" and start beating him with your staff again.

Once your cheeky, insulting clone is no more, speak to the Ethereal Man for the last time.

Visit the Oneiromancer again and she'll graciously reward you. Unfortunately, a kiss isn't part of the reward.

And that's it, quest complete!


50 Astral runes
Ability to use the Lunar Spellbook (a new set of magic spells!)
5,000 Magic and Runecrafting experience
2 Quest Points
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