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 Lunar Diplomacy 2

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Mesaje : 149
Data de înscriere : 16/06/2008

Lunar Diplomacy 2 Empty
MesajSubiect: Lunar Diplomacy 2   Lunar Diplomacy 2 Icon_minitimeLun Iun 16, 2008 6:57 pm

The Five Symbols

At this point, the boy gives you an emerald lens and a bullseye lantern. Use them with each other and then use a tinderbox on the resultant emerald lantern.

The one on the wall can be found in the first mate's cabin on the deck. Enter the cabin and use your emerald lantern on a wallchart that is located on the western half of the northern wall.

The one on the container can be found on the only accessible chest on the hull (ground) of the boat after you enter the lowest level of the ship (the one with the cook).

The one on a box can be found on a tall crate in the food storage area adjacent to the cook.

The one on a support can be found in the lowest level of the ship, just like the last two symbols. There are two supports in the lowest level. The symbol can be found on the one closer to the galley (where the cook is).

The one on a large metallic object... well, what's large, metallic, and can be found on a pirate warship? Why, the cannons of course! The fifth and last symbol is on the east cannon on the lookout platform closest to the stern of the ship (south end) where the cabin boy and Lee are located.

After you find a symbol, you will be presented with two choices.

Choose the "Rub Away" option to wipe out the boy's misdeeds. After you wipe out all five of the symbols, you will get the following message.

Arriving on Moonclan Island

After removing all five of the symbols, talk to the Captain again. He will order the crew to set sail for Moonclan Island, and you will arrive there successfully this time.

Go down two sets of ladders to reach the ground. As soon as you've got your feet on solid earth, head north up the incline and then west into the town gates. You'll see a short clip of what the town looks like.

Let yourself soak in the wonders of this new location. If you were wondering how these Moonclan Island inhabitants can read minds, here's the answer.

Your seal of passage is very important to you while on Lunar island. If you want to return to the island after leaving, Lokar won't let you on to his boat if you don't have the seal. If it's in your bank, you'll be instructed to retrieve it first. If you don't have it, you're told that Brundt will provide you with a new one. While on the island, if you talk to any of the Moon Clan without wearing the seal or having it in your inventory, you'll be promptly whisked back to Rellekka. This can be beneficial to you later on when attempting to smith your own Lunar helm, which is explained later in more detail.

If you ask around, you'll find out where the Oneiromancer is located, because she's nowhere to be found in the town.

Your next agenda to patching relations between the Moon Clan and Rellekka. is to talk to the Oneiromancer. Head back to the base of the ladder where you first set foot on Moonclan Island. From there, you should walk in a south by southeast direction to reach the Oneiromancer. Follow the white line in the mini maps shown below. Beware, there are level 111 monsters named Suqahs that roam the island. They use melee attacks, are capable of casting water wave and ice barrage (doesn't hit very high and only freezes for a second or two), and will aggressively engage you in combat.

If you have followed the white line in a southeastern direction, you will wind up before the glowing brightness of the Astral Altar and the stunning beauty of the Oneiromancer.

Speak to her and explain that you're trying to put an end to the fighting between the Moon Clan and Rellekka. You tell her that the Fremenniks are wary and fearful of the Moon Clan because of their magical secrets that they won't share with the Fremenniks, and she responds with her wisdom:

She inquires as to what you plan to do to end the long feud between the two groups, and you respond by saying that you were kind of looking towards her for advice. After a little discussion, she comes up with a suitable plan.

To understand the ways of the Moon Clan, you will need to take part in a ritual. The Oneiromancer suggests that you go speak to Baba Yaga in her chicken house to learn how to make a potion of waking sleep. The chicken house can be found in a fenced off area of the town. The entrance to the area is located just north of the bank.

The Potion of Waking Sleep

As you approach Baba's chicken house, you'll learn that it quite literally is a chicken house. It even has a name, Berty.

Choose the "Go-inside House" option after right clicking the house and you'll wind up inside it. Baba Yaga will tell you the necessary ingredients for the potion of waking sleep and hand you a special empty vial as well.

If you hadn't already realized it, the suqahs that dot the surrounding land aren't there for scenery. You're going to have to literally knock their teeth out for this potion, preferably with more than just your fists. There are several ways to figuratively punch their daylights out, but first, you have to locate them again. Head back towards the Oneiromancer, but stop once you reach the bridges. This is the prime spot to get yourself a Suqah tooth. The suqahs here do not use magic attacks of any sort, but I wouldn't underestimate their ability to cut you open with those blades they're brandishing. If you plan to face them toe to claw, runite armor or better is suggested. For food, lobsters or higher are a good idea to have with you.

If you don't fancy getting smacked around by a level 111, you can use the bridges to your advantage. Bring a ranged attack of some sort, be it range, mage, or a halberd. Attack a suqah, run on to the bridge, and continue to attack it. However, do understand that their area of interest is not very high. If you do not get them in the position similar to the ones shown below, the suqah will lose interest in getting brutally killed and walk off.

You can also kill them from a distance where the color of the ground changes as you approach the Astral Altar, as it appears they are unwilling to approach it. However, this isn't as great of a spot as the bridges because whenever somebody runs past on their way to craft Astral runes, the suqah attacks them and then walks away from you. Re-acquiring your target could result in you learning the sharpness of their meat cleavers from first hand experience.

Kill them until one of them drops a suqah tooth. Also be sure to kill at least four and pick up the hide that they drop because you'll need it later. The suqahs also drop unidentified herbs that are either guam leaf or marrentill, the two herbs you need for this potion. Use a pestle and mortar on the suqah tooth. Then fill the empty vial that you received from Baba Yaga up with water. There is a sink in a residence to the west of the bank in town that you can use for that purpose. After the vial is filled with water, use a guam and a marrentill herb on vial of water. The order that you add the two herbs in doesn't matter. Once the herbs are in, use the ground tooth on the vial and you'll have a potion of waking sleep.

You'll need to take this potion to the Oneiromancer. She'll take it from you for safe keeping and tell you that you need a Lunar staff, and some Lunar clothes afterwards.

There are a few ways that you could go about obtaining a Lunar staff. One that I won't describe is walking to every single altar since someone with level 65 magic would probably take advantage of the fact that they could teleport. Because of that fact, I'll only go over two methods: teleporting around and using the runecrafting Abyss.

It is imperative that you go to the Air Altar first, the Fire Altar second, the Water Altar third, and the Earth Altar last. If you do not follow this order, you'll receive a game message instructing you to go to the next altar in line.

Note: When in the Wilderness, be careful of Revenant Ghosts, which can appear at any time and attack you.

Make sure that you have an air talisman or tiara and your Dramen staff with you, and then teleport to Falador. If you don't know where the Air Altar is, consult the Runecrafting guide. Enter the ruins and use your Dramen staff on the altar. This will give you a Lunar Staff Ptr 1. Then teleport to Al Kharid using a Ring of Dueling or however else you want to teleport there and enter the Fire ruins with a fire talisman/tiara. Use your Lunar Staff Ptr 1 on the altar and you'll get a Lunar Staff Ptr 2. Repeat this process with the Water and Earth altars, respectively, and you'll have your very own Lunar staff. You can use a Lunar staff to access Zanaris, so don't worry about replacing your Dramen staff if you don't have extras.

If you don't have the talismans or tiaras, have completed the Zamorak Mage mini-quest, and don't mind the dangers of the Wilderness, use the Abyss. Use an Amulet of Glory (4) to teleport to Edgeville (Paddewa Teleport will also do). Go north into the Wilderness until you run into the Mage of Zamorak around level 5. Enter the abyss, finagle your way into the inner ring, and enter the Air Altar. Refer to the Abyss guide if you're still confused. After you've done your thing with the staff and the altar, use the Amulet of Glory to return to Edgeville and repeat for the Fire, Water, and Earth altars.

Make your way back to the Oneiromancer by going to Lokar, asking to be taken back to the Lady Zay, talking to Captain Bentley, asking to go to Lunar Isle, and then running past the suqahs to get to the Astral Altar. Speak to the Oneiromancer and she will hold your Lunar staff for you. She informs you that you'll need a Lunar outfit and that there are eight pieces in total. How to obtain them will be detailed for your convenience in the following order: helm, cape, amulet, torso, gloves, boots, trousers, and ring.

The Emper... Lunarian's New Clothes

For the helm, you need a Lunar ore. Make sure that you have a pickaxe with you before you continue reading. Go back to the ladder where you disembarked the ship from, but instead of heading into town, go north instead. Follow the shoreline northwest past some suqahs and climb down a ladder that is marked with a (!) dungeon sign on your mini map. Inside this dungeon, you can mine gold, silver, pure essence, and gems. However, the reason why you're there is to get some Lunar ore. Head south and then take the first right turn west. There you can find some stalagmites that are mineable.

Unfortunately, there are no furnaces or anvils on Lunar Isle. The fastest way to make a Lunar helm is by casting Superheat Item on the Lunar ore to turn it into a Lunar bar, then teleport to Camelot and walk to Seers' Village. Walk to the Elemental Workshop where you can find some anvils. With a hammer in your inventory, use the Lunar bar on the anvil and answer yes, you would like to make a Lunar helm. Alternatively, you could store your Seal of Passage in the bank and talk to a member of the Moon Clan, causing you to be teleported to Rellekka. Or you could 'destroy' the Seal of Passage, talk to a member of the Moon Clan to be teleported, and then talk to Brundt the chieftan later to get the seal back.

Rellekka has an anvil and a furnace that you can use to smelt the ore and smith the helm. If you have successfully followed the guide to this point, you'll have your very own Lunar helm that you can wear!

Now it's time to get that Lunar cape. Go through the steps to get yourself back on Lunar Isle. Head to the northwestern section of the town where you'll find Pauline Polaris. Talk to her and you'll mention that you need ceremonial clothing and she'll tell you that she has a cape, but wonders why she should just hand it over to a stranger like you. Too bad for you that she doesn't think "You're a kind and compassionate person" is an acceptable answer. However, she is willing to part with the cape if you can demonstrate some... big surprise... insight. In her case, demonstrating insight means guessing her name, which, at first, seems like an all too easy task. Well, you know what they say - if it's too good to be true, it most likely is. This situation is no exception. It turns out that Pauline Polaris is just an alias that she uses for simplicity. You beg for a clue, and she relents.

Compare the clues to the four choices she gives you and the answer should be quite apparent and obvious.

Funny name, eh? You seem to think so, but you shut your trap after "Pauline" asks you if you want the cape or not. Two out of eight parts obtained.

The third piece of the outfit you need to get is the amulet. Talk to Meteora about the amulet that's resting on her head. After you convince her that there's actually an amulet on her head, she'll explain that it's a replacement for her lucky amulet. Ask her what happened and she'll explain.

Yeehaw! Time to go suqah hunting again! Use your favorite method to flay the skin off the suqah's backs until you get an item named "A special tiara". Find Meteora again and say hello. It seems as if Meteora has taken some lessons in rapping while you were off spanking suqahs. She greets you with a "Yo yo yo!" No really, I'm not kidding. Offer to trade tiaras and you'll get a Lunar amulet. Five more to go.

The next four out of five pieces will be obtained at the same time. Remember those four Suqah hides you were told to keep? This is where they're needed. Take them and 400 gp out and bring them to the clothes store just south of the bank. Talk to Rimae Sirsalis about the ceremonial clothes and she'll tell you that all she can do to help you is by tanning suqah hides. Noting your befuddled state, she explains that suqah hides are used to make the torso, gloves, boots, and trousers. As a matter of fact, the remains of a suqah are put to a lot of uses by the Moon Clan. Because of this, the Moon Clan teach the suqahs magic so that they may defend themselves, hence their ability to cast water wave and ice barrage. So the next time you get beat up by a suqah's magic, think silent thoughts of hatred at the Moon Clan. Although that might not be such a great idea considering the fact that they can read your mind and present you with a one way ticket to your respawn spot minus most of your items.

Use a needle on each piece of tanned Suqah Leather and choose to make each piece of Lunar Armor: Torso, Trousers, Gloves and Boots. Now you should have all of the eight pieces minus the ring. If you're missing other pieces besides the ring, read back to see what you've missed.

For the ring, the Oneiromancer suggests that you speak to Selene. She can be found west of the bank wearing a yellow, wide-brimmed hat. She informs you that a Lunar ring may be buried somewhere on the island by her grandfather who has since passed away.

A nicely written clue, but the route that it prescribes happens to involve running a suqah gauntlet. Instead, make like you're going to visit the Oneiromancer, but instead of turning east after crossing the bridge, turn west and cross another bridge. From there, head west and just a touch north until you run into a "bloom of blue", in layman's terms, blue flowers! Stand over them and dig for the ring.
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Lunar Diplomacy 2
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