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 1-10 runescape tips

In jos 

Mesaje : 149
Data de înscriere : 16/06/2008

1-10  runescape tips Empty
MesajSubiect: 1-10 runescape tips   1-10  runescape tips Icon_minitimeMar Iun 17, 2008 5:35 pm

[edit] An Honest Way 1 (members only)
1. Get the following:

o 60+ level
o Appropriate armor (bronze or higher is best)
2. Head down to the stronghold of security.
3. Go to the second level.
4. Find a room with flesh crawlers but few people.
5. Begin to kill the flesh crawlers. After awhile, you'll notice that they are dropping tons of herbs, runes, ores and such. Pick up ALL iron ore, ALL fire runes, ALL nature runes and only the ranarrs, kwuarm, and all the other high ones. After you have over 2000 fires runes and 75 nature runes, you should have a full inventory of herbs.
6. Sell all these things in the Grand Exchange! You should now have at least 34.3k. You can have more then 2000 fires and 75 natures you may also pickup a few dust runes on the way, there just estimating when you will have a full inventory.

[edit] An Honest Way 2
1. Find Melzar's Maze on the world map.
2. Go to the odd patch of beach sticking out from north of the Melzar's Maze.
3. Kill the hobgoblins. The more north they are, the better.
4. Pick up limpwurt roots. Some of them will leave these roots behind.
5. Sell them for the lowest price at the Grand Exchange when you have about 1k of them. They sell fast and expensive!
6. Repeat the process.
• If it is too crowded, change worlds.
• There is a cabbage garden nearby so visit it if you need quick, free food.
• A best weapon is a scimitar, because it has a good mix of power and speed.
• The hobgoblins are level 28-42 so if you aren't ready to fight them yet, bring food.
• All monsters attack until you are twice their level +1. It is safe at level 57.

[edit] Aviansies method (members-only)
1. Get 70 ranged & 60 strength/agility
2. Go to God Wars Dungeon and take a mith grapple and crossbow with mithril bolts
3. Make sure you are wearing an Armadyl armor piece, pendant from the guardians in Temple of Ikov is cheapest
4. Bring 100 Bones to Peaches tablets, Excalibur, 100 nature runes, 500 fire runes, and the forementioned mith grapple (Weild Ava's accumulator!)
5. Go into Armadyl's Eyrie, and find any aviansie. Kill it. Take the bones and any good loot. The bones will eventully replace your food slots, this is when you use one of the tablets to get peaches. This allows you to stay for long periods of time.
6. The best loot from these is 4 noted adamantite bars in one drop. These can sell for up to 3k each! After a couple of hours you can pay off all your equipment and then some.
(## Note: This is not the fastest way to make money in the game, but it does add some excitement to the moneymaking ##)

[edit] Barrows Method (members-only)
1. Get to level 85 or above.
2. Read up on the Brothers:

o Melee Brothers:
 Dharok the Wretched
 Verac the Defiled
 Torag the Corrupted
 Guthan the Infested
o Magic:
 Ahrim the Blighted
o Ranged:
 Karil the Tainted
3. Stock up on sharks, pray potions, runes, and use lots of armour! Bring teleports for faster travel to the Barrows area, which is tucked away near Port Phasmatys, in Morytania.
4. Find the barrows: follow a player or use a map.
5. Go into one of the barrow mounds. You will fight some stuff and eventually come to a treasure chest guarded by one of the Brothers.
6. Kill the brother!
7. Loot the treasure chest. You will find some stuff worth a bit, and if you are lucky you will find Barrows armor. Barrows armor is armor that resembles that of the Brothers. There are 6 sets of Barrows armor, one set for each. You will not always get armor pieces but after many runs you will have a full set!
8. Sell the set for a few sweet million (or individual pieces for a few hundred K). Alternatively, you could KEEP the set, show it off to your friends, and use the great armor to kill other money-making creatures (in this section!).

[edit] Big Bones Method 1
1. Make sure you have the brass key that is found in the Edgeville Dungeon, in your Inventory.
2. Open the door to get inside the building between Varrock and the river by the Barbarian Village (its a tiny little shack). Go down the ladder.
3. Kill the Hill Giants (level 28), and take their bones(399gp),limpurt(788gp) roots and nature runes(500gp).
4. Return to the bank to store your bones.
5. Repeat the process. If you get 600 or more big bones you could get over 300k, plus the roots and runes, brining the total to 378k!

[edit] Big Bones Method 2
1. Enter the dungeon through the trap door in Edgeville. Pick up the brass key on your way there.
2. Follow through the dungeon, passing all the monsters, until you find the gate that blocks your way. Open the gate, run through the skeletons and hobgoblins, to the zombie room. The key is found IN the room.
3. Go to the Hill Giant liar via a ladder beyond the Zombies. They are level 28, so if you're a lower level bring food. Also if you are a mage, or ranged, you can position yourself behind a stalagmite were they can't reach you.
4. Kill the Hill Giants and take their bones and anything else you choose to keep.
5. Go back to the Ladder, and climb up. Make your way to the Grand Exchange and bank. This works best for level 50 and above.

[edit] Blue Dragon Scale method (members only)
1. Get the following:

o Falador teleport runes and 37 magic, or Falador teleport tabs
o Anti Dragonfire Shield (Easily acquired from the Duke of Lumbridge)
o Armour
o Dusty Key
o 5 Agility
2. Head to Falador's west bank and equip your armor and anti-dragonfire shield. Take the dusty key and teleport runes/tab in your inventory.
3. Climb over the broken wall west of the bank.
4. Continue north-west until the dungeon symbol (!) appears on your minimap. Climb down the ladder.
5. Continue down the hall. Stop at the gate with two suits of armor next to it, and a "Cauldron of Thunder", and enter.
6. Go through the southern Gate. Keep heading east until you reach a two-way junction at the end of path. Don't go into the room of giant bats.
7. Head south from this junction until you reach a room of magic axes. From there, continue south from the room until you reach a junction. Head west (If you can see hill giants you've gone the wrong way).
8. Continue along the path until you reach the lesser demons. Use your Dusty Key on the only gate in the area.
9. Pick up blue dragon scales. You will now see baby blue dragons and blue dragons. You don't need to fight them; your job is to get the scales that other players have left on the ground.
10. Fill your inventory and teleport back to Falador. Bank the scales.
11. Repeat this process until you have 1,000 dragon scales. Grind the 1,000 dragon scales into dust.
12. Sell the dragon scale dust in the Grand Exchange. There's a lot of demand for them so you should be able to sell at a high price. Notes: Not recommended for anyone who feels uncomfortable running around the dragons. If you're really worried, consider taking an anti-fire potion to render the dragon's fire attacks harmless. Take a break and try something else once in a while.

[edit]Cape Method
1. Go to Egdeville
2. Take some money out of the bank.
3. Buy blue capes off the NPC Richard (he has a bag of hay on his back) for 50gp each.
4. Go to the bank at Edgeville and deposit them.
5. Repeat the above three steps.
6. Sell capes at Grand Exchange for 65gp minimum when you have a large number of them.

[edit] Climbing boots (members only)
1. Finish death plateau
2. Buy C boots for 12gp from the NPC.
3. Sell in grand exchange for like 550 - 800gp

[edit] Combat Method: Fire Giants (members only)
1. Get to level 85 Combat with appropriate armor and weapons.
2. Get some food and lobster.
3. Get Fearless of Chaos Tunnels
4. Get some Teleport Runes (In case of Portal Backfire. Read below.)
5. Head to Edgeville with the supplies.
6. Head North of Edgeville, to the mage named Zamorak (Monk of Saradomin). Beyond him, you should find a red (!) mark. Climb the rope down. You'll immediately find an immense number of Giant Rock Crabs.
7. Head towards the North-West Portal. You should find yourself in a room of Fire Giants.
8. Head towards the westward end of the room, so you can pick them off one by one rather than 2 at a time. Then, start slaying any you see. Note: If the portal takes you to another room (which uncommonly happens), you'll have to teleport out and start again...that is unless you can find your way back to that specific room. Don't worry, its not a bug. It's just part of how the Chaos Tunnels work.
9. Teleport out (once you have all your loot), or simply take the way out the way you came.
10. Sell whatever loot you want and be happy with your cash.
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